Kamis, 27 November 2014

Tips to Care for Canaries

Here are 10 tips canary care, specifically intended for beginners.

1. Avoid gust of wind / direct
In the hanging cage canary, whether indoors or outdoors, try the location is not directly exposed to the wind. For example, at or near the front windows, air inlets, fan or air conditioner.

This simple things that are often overlooked when caring for a beginner walnuts. To determine whether the room is free from direct wind gust, or a gust of wind, you can put a candle in front of the cage. Note if the flame moves wildly, it means you have to move the cage to a safe place. Let canary in the room that gets gust of wind will make the birds susceptible to various diseases.

2. Avoid direct sunlight
Walnut seedlings f1 holland X af fusanTerkena direct sunlight, especially when the weather is hot, it can be fatal, it can even lead to death due to heat stroke attack. In contrast, the pattern of drying at the right time can provide many benefits for your bird.

For example, if you want to hang the bird, the recommended time is in the morning at sunrise and late afternoon when the sun will set. Drying can be tolerated during the day, all you have to constantly monitor the condition of the bird. When starting to look panting, immediately remove and let cool bird, or it could be closed in part a cage with a cloth roof that birds get adequate shade.

3. Availability of water

This is what should concern you at any time, Walnuts have a high metabolism and can not live without water for more than 24 hours. Provide clean water and fresh every day, do not give water directly from the faucet / tap that contain a lot of chlorine. Some fans are now more happy walnuts provide branded bottled water or refill, so walnuts always look fresh and healthy.

4. Availability of feed grains

The main feed grain walnut indeed, according to the shape of its beak. That's why feed grains should always be provided in sufficient quantities every day. Feed grains are good for example canary canary seed, millet and niger seed, and better if it is a combination / mixture of all three.

5. Supplementary feeding
To add to the diversity of the menu, while keeping a balance of nutrients, occasionally canaries also need to get additional food. For example, egg food that is rich in protein, and is needed for walnuts in a period of growth and reproduction. About what, how, and how to make egg food, please go to the article here. Remember to also green vegetables (such as lettuce, carrots, broccoli) and fruits (such as apples).

6. Providing mulivitamin and supplements

When you give a feed from grains, egg food, vegetables, and fruits, there are actually contains some important vitamins in it. But sometimes we, as a layman, could not measure how the content of each type of vitamin that has been entered into the digestive organs of birds. In fact we can not be sure whether certain types of vitamins contained in the feed.

The problem is different from the energy metabolism of vitamins, protein, fat, or crude fiber, which can be predicted from the formula given rations based on the types of feed given, such as canary seed, millet, niger seed, lettuce, carrots, until apples. With models like the usual ration formulation chicken farmer, we can calculate how much energy metabolism, protein content, fat, and crude fiber consumed walnuts.

Vitamins do not like it, so that the farmer or breeder birds, chickens, and ducks, generally obtain sufficient certainty by providing multivitamins or vitamin supplements containing multivitamins. If the chicken / duck known products such as premix, then the adequacy of vitamins in birds can be obtained through, for example, BirdVit.

Another great feature is that the deficiency of vitamin deficiency, or health problems due to lack of certain vitamins. For example, when the birds to obtain vitamin A, and C, but did not obtain sufficient vitamin B and D, then the birds will experience a deficiency of vitamins A and C, with clinical symptoms in accordance with the disorder (eg visually impaired and the body condition is always sluggish).

But when the birds have excess vitamins, then the excess will not be stored in the body as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, but directly with urine and feces disbursed out of kloakanya. Therefore, ensure the adequacy of vitamins through the use BirdVit routine, assuming that a dangerous shortage but if the excess does not have a negative impact on the birds.

7. Provision of minerals in sufficient quantities

Just like vitamins, minerals also consists of dozens of types, ranging from iron (ferum), zinc (Zincum), calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and so forth. When a shortage of one type only, then the birds will experience a mineral deficiency in accordance with its type. If deficiencies are two types of minerals, birds will experience a mineral deficiency in the two species. And so on.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary minerals birds, though far fewer than nutrients such as protein, fat, crude fiber, and energy metabolism / carbohydrate. Most kicaumania use as a cuttlefish bone mineral intake.

But some analysts said the cuttlefish bones contain too much sodium chloride (NaCl) or a salt, so to consider its effect on blood vessels. In addition, excessive saltiness makes the bird can not be too often consume cuttlefish bone, while he was still in need of some other minerals contained in cuttlefish bone.

Therefore, some kicaumania began switching to multimineral products that are sold in stores or kiosks bird birds, including BirdMineral that contains a complete multimineral. But, it's all up to your own decision, whether to use cuttlefish bone or instant products are more hygienic and effective.

8. Keep the cage

Health enclosure is also an important requirement for creating the conditions that always healthy canaries. Keep the bird droppings can be removed every day. Feed and water containers should also be regularly cleaned.

Clean the bird perches at least once a week, because it is a beachhead perch bird's feet, which is certainly in contact with feces (stool) and residual feed. On the other hand, is often rubbed his beak birds to perch.

9. Beware the presence of lice or mites

Vigilant with some type of parasite, because they are killing it slowly, either from within the body (worms and mites air bags) or from outside the body (red mite). There is also a leg mites attacking the legs. Although rarely cause death, mites legs in walnuts can also make the bird became disabled.

To prevent or treat parasites from the outside, you can use a trusted product like FreshAves. Special treatment of worms which have already been attacked walnuts, please go to this page. As to expel the air sac mites, which enter into the respiratory tract of birds, and often causes jams buny birds.

10. Cutting nails long

If the one-year-old walnut, the nails had grown long enough. For those of you who would want to become a breeder, then before betrothed, try nails male canaries that have long carved out first. If not, it will hurt the long nails female during mating both. About technically cutting nails are safe and not at risk.

Thus 10 canary care tips for beginners, so cute and pretty baby is always healthy, lively, active, and want to sing out loud.

May be useful.
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